Monday, 9 March 2015

Where have I been?

After graduating from university last year, I decided to make it my personal mission to travel to a few destinations as a pat-on-the-shoulder from me to me (for achieving a 'First' - eek!), but also as a way in which to enrich my experiences. A random burst of travels is nothing that I am a stranger to - after completing my A-levels in 2011, I conquered parts of the USA including 3 months in Los Angeles, and a further month driving from LA - San Diego - San Francisco - Las Vegas.

In true Sagitarian spirit, I thrive in adventures and travels. I get bored easily, and I'm always thinking about my next move in order to bring new and exciting challenges to my routine. My addiction? Very simple. The likes of holiday booking websites - now for most, this may sound like the usual sun, sand and sea obsession. For me? Not so much. The idea of sitting by a pool, or on a sunny beach brings me nothing but torment. I'd much rather hike my way through unknown mountains and peaks, or drive aimlessly to discover that one wrong turn that changes your life. Me and traveling are a story book love affair. Having conquered as much of the UK as I possibly could as a child, I've now taken it upon myself to explore further.

I am going to share with you parts of my travels as I know I love reading travel blogs, but also in hopes of giving you some recommendations and ideas - look out for my travel posts and let me know if you have any you want me to check out!


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